Mittwoch, 26. September 2012


Sorry for being missing in action for the last couple of weeks, but my mister came home from uni and we enjoyed some quality time together :D
Yes, that involved going back up to Berlin (where he just came from) to go to the Berlin Festival, where we saw Kate Nash, The Killers, Kraftklub and most importantly Sigur Rós.

 Kate Nash with a fantastic hair-do

This must have been the most puuuuuuuuuurfect day of my life. Although my head hurt like craaaaaaazy and 5 minutes before Sigur Rós hit the stage it started to rain :/
But this is Sigur Rós and this is their only show in Germany this year.
So I ignored everything else and saw something mindblowing and I hope everybody is jealous ;-)

I hope you have had some wonderful weeks! What have you been up to?
I promise it won`t take this long again to come back.


Montag, 13. August 2012


Did you like or do things in your teenage years where your parents thought or at least hoped it would be just a phase?

I did. There was Heavy Metal, Grunge and Punk music... and of course black clothes.
In general I must have been every parents nightmare. Except that I never joined a gang and beat someone up ;D
I stayed at home most times, listened to before mentioned music and read. A LOT. But not only books in general, my big passion were comics.
Comics are amazeballs.
Here's a reason why I looooooove the internet: you can get digital copies of comics legally. Only this summer have I started to think about getting the real thing and have now placed a huge order. First because I never had enough money for it and second because there are no shops that sell them around here :( So it is the internet once again!


The reason why I am writing this is to declare my unconditional love to Journey intoMystery published my Marvel.
Here's a disclaimer for you: I cannot decide between DC or Marvel. Please don't threaten to kill me! I once as a teenager tried to decide which company to stay loyal to, but I can't! (Maybe I will tell you more about my little dilemma in the future)
It takes place in the Thor universe, so if you like Thor and have never heard of this: Where have you been? 
Have you enjoyed the latest movies by Marvel? Check this out!
This comic series has broken my heart so many times, and I haven't even read all of it! (there are more than 600 issues, I think) If you like drama and angst, give this a try. If you don't, do it anyways! (It does have comedy and a little love story in it, too)
This is one of those things that will forever stay with me FOREVER. 
I mean: I have been disappointed soooo many times. I dread every new release date, because it will move you, but you don't know if it's in a good or bad way. But I cannot stop! It's impossible!!

I hope you have a wonderful day and I will be back soon with some other things of my life!


P.S.: Journey into Mystery does not only have a fantastic storyline, but also great artwork :)

Dienstag, 7. August 2012

Hello and Welcome

My name is Liko, I'm 20 years old. 
I hope you will enjoy my ramblings about my life, the things that I do and that incredibly smart and thoughtful decision to move to a small city in Germany to concentrate on my studies. (I do hope you have noticed that hint of sarcasm)
So grab a cuppa and enjoy yourselves!